Dream a Little Dream of Me Lyrics – The legionsy

Dream a Little Dream of Me Lyrics

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“Dream a Little Dream of Me” is an American popular song that was first recorded by the Mamas and the Papas in 1965, and reached #35 on the Billboard Hot Top 100 chart. It remained on the charts for over 30 weeks and made it to number one in the United Kingdom and Australia, and was covered by several singers including Ozzie Nelson, Kate Smith, Doris Day, Bing Crosby, and Ella Fitzgerald. Most recently it was performed by Artie in the Glee episode titled “Dream On”.

The music to this song was composed by Fabian Andre and Wilbur Schwandt, with lyrics written by Gus Kahn. There is some confusion as to where the song was actually written, with Schwandt claiming it was in Paw Paw, Michigan and Andre stating he wrote it in Milwaukee. During the recording session, Eddie, who introduced Mama Cass, spoke an intro: “And now to sing this lovely ballad, here is Mama Cass.” You can hear her clearing her throat before she begins singing. lyrics for dream a little dream of me

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